
Asters' Forensic team helps clients to overcome challenges related to fraud, corruption and unfair competition, assists in identifying financial, operational and reputational risks.

Our forensic procedures will allow to:

  • provide business security
  • improve management efficiency through a comprehensive analysis of counterparties, partners, and stakeholders
  • detect fraud, economic crimes and other illegal acts that harm your business and to develop a system of measures to mitigate them
  • get a comprehensive picture of your company's financial and economic activities for business owners, investors and top managers to make management decisions
  • trace and regain the ownership of alienated assets, obtain compensation for losses, and restore lost opportunities
  • prevent new problems from emerging, contribute to the retention of financial, material and intellectual resources, and mitigate reputational risks

Asters' forensic experts have over 10 years of experience in conducting financial investigations, audits, special tests and expert examinations, asset tracing and corporate intelligence. Their expertise is confirmed by the international certificates, including Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Cryptocurrency Tracing Certified Examiner (CTCE).


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Representative experience:
  • Investigating a multi-billion fraud and tracing assets in the UK, the USA, Cyprus, Latvia, Israel, and Ukraine
  • Participating in investigations into IT frauds in the UK and Ukraine
  • Detecting illegal acts and asset misappropriation with the involvement of related parties of top 20 Ukrainian banks
  • Investigating a multimillion fraud of two related banks included in the list of top 20 Ukrainian banks in the UK, the USA, and the CIS
  • Conducting audits and financial tests in the financial, telecommunication, chemical, and retail sectors
  • Holding consultations and cooperating with Ukrainian and foreign government authorities and law enforcement agencies, and international organisations
  • Conducting international anti-corruption investigations
  • Preparing opinions and expert examination and counter-examination reports in support of litigations in Ukraine and other countries
Featured services:
  • Financial investigations:

- conducting investigations into embezzlements/unauthorised use of corporate property, financial reporting fraud, money laundering, disclosures of commercial information, etc.

- tracing siphoned off corporate funds, analysing suspicious bank transactions and mapping cash flow schemes

- exercising control over and analysing the targeted use of funds

- ESG investigations

- assisting with the conduct of internal investigations and audits

  • Tracing assets of counterparties and assisting with the recovery thereof
  • Corporate intelligence: collecting, processing, and analysing information required to make management decisions
  • Due diligence: conducting initial and enhanced audits of Ukrainian and foreign counterparties to verify if there are any criminal proceedings or litigations pending against them, if they are able perform their contractual obligations, and if they have any outstanding liabilities in respect of taxes or other charges; and assessing cooperation risks
  • Fraud risk assessment within a company, developing a programme of mitigation measures and testing its internal control system
  • Support of litigations, arbitrations and criminal proceedings: collecting evidence, drafting materials, assessing damages caused, and organising and supporting expert examinations
  • Cryptocurrency investigations (fraudulent acts, evasion of sanctions, money laundering, and corruption schemes), in particular, creating a body of evidence for courts and criminal cases and tracing cryptocurrency transactions
  • Training and development: holding training workshops for employees aimed at preventing and mitigating the risks of fraud and other illegal activities; and assisting with the creation (improvement) of special forensic units
  • Coordinating complex forensic projects: preparatory work to arrange a forensic team, supporting its services provision, cooperation and development of effective communication and interaction
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