On 21 April 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Order No.443-p ("Order"), which approved the National Action Plan for Environmental Protection for the Period up to 2025 ("Plan"). The Plan is a list of measures that must be taken by the ministries specified in the Plan. The Plan also defines indicators by which its implementation will be monitored.
Among the legal measures envisaged for the adoption by the Plan, it is necessary to highlight, in particular, the following:
- Introduction of changes to the DBN for the arrangement of biological transitions and revision of the DBN taking into account temperature and other changes caused by climate change;
- Development and approval of programs for the integrated development of green areas of cities;
- Introduction of a new procedure for the implementation of state monitoring of waters;
- Improvement of economic incentives for land protection – through the adoption of relevant acts;
- Development of the Methodology for determining the amount of compensation for losses caused to the State as a result of unauthorized use of subsoil;
- Development of a draft decision on amendments to some regulatory legal acts regarding strengthening control over the use of environmental labeling;
- Creation, implementation, maintenance, and administration of the Unified Environmental Platform;
- Development of a draft order of the Ministry of Natural Resources on approval of the Procedure for the functioning of the electronic cabinet of a subsoil user;
- Development and approval of programs of state monitoring in the field of atmospheric air protection in zones and agglomerations;
- Settlement at the legislative level of issues of drainage of settlements;
- Adoption of normative legal acts under the Law of Ukraine "On the regulation of economic activities for ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases";
- Creation and maintenance of the Unified State Register of Operators of Controlled Substances (ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases)
- Development of a draft law on environmental insurance, which should base on an assessment of environmental risks;
- Development and implementation of national standards in the field of environmental management through harmonization with international standards of the ISO 14000 series;
- Amendments to the Law "On protection of atmospheric air" to improve regulation and reduce emissions of pollutants;
- Development of draft acts on the ratification of international environmental agreements;
- Implementation of selected environmental directives and regulations (EU).
The Plan deserves special praise because it provides for a fairly large list of activities, about 200 points, and the deadlines for their achievement are set.
For more information, please contact Asters Counsel Anzhelika Livitska and Senior Associate Bohdan Shmorhun.