GAR 100 2019 ranks Asters among world’s arbitration elite

Asters has been listed among the world’s top international arbitration law firms by the recently published Global Arbitration Review – The GAR 100 (12th Edition), one of the most authoritative global independent researches of the best law firms specializing in international arbitration. 

GAR 100 recommends the firm’s Co-Managing Partner Oleksiy Didkovskiy and Partners Svitlana Chepurna and Yaroslav Petrov. Asters Co-Managing Partner Serhii Sviriba and Partner Markiyan Kliuchkovskyi have been recognized by the research for the 11th consecutive year (since 2009).

According to the GAR 100 Asters is “the Ukrainian firm that helped to win a billion-dollar award against Russia over its annexation of Crimea", "the largest award to date in the various treaty cases relating to Crimea"

The GAR 100 is a highly regarded guide to the world’s top law firms specialized in international arbitration, which have been audited for reputation, recent work and experience. 

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Asters is the largest law firm in Ukraine with offices in Kyiv, Washington D.C., Brussels and London. Chambers Europe 2019 recognizes 20 lawyers of Asters – the largest number of the renowned practitioners in a single Ukrainian law firm.

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