On 16 December 2014 Asters jointly with the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council held a charitable reception within the ArtAsters project presenting an exhibition of art works Once upon a time… by the Ukrainian artist Galina Bodyakova.
Galina is a rare type of an artist successfully working in various techniques such as oil on canvas and wood, watercolor and gesso, monotype and etching. The sophisticated technique secures a skillful form holding a tender and enchanting substance reflecting divinely naïve and sincere comprehension of reality through children's eyes thus bringing the observer back to the paradise of childhood's emotions where each kindness, love and care had only one meaning.
At the opening ceremony Asters' Senior Partner Armen Khachaturyan said: "Galina Bodyakova's art is truly one of a kind. It just proves that we always know, but often hide, deeply in our hearts – that irrespective age we all remain children who want to be loved, who want to fly as birds and who trust that life is endless. When we are reminded about it at the precious moments like the one of viewing Galina's works we feel better and the world around us looks better and most importantly we want to make it better. Isn't it an utmost purpose of art?"
Galina Bodyakova expressed her gratitude for inviting her to exhibit in ArtAsters project, including publishing a 2015 calendar with reprints of her works, also noting: "ArtAsters has a very noble mission of promoting Ukrainian art and Ukrainian artists among business community. I am happy that my works have been and will be viewed by so many people, and a good number of them have been already purchased. At good times and at bad times art inspires and heals. I am happy that people will get inspired or recover from hard feelings because of my works".
A special touch at the reception was a charity auction for Galina's etching Lullaby and 2015 calendars with proceeds directed to ATO volunteers.
The event was traditionally held in Asters' office with near a hundred guests attending, including business managers, diplomats, governmental officers and social employees.
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Galina Bodyakova, artist, a member of Ukraine's Artists Union since 1995, winner of the art competition on 50th anniversary of the UN. Galina graduated from Bryansk art school in 1983 and Kyiv State Art University in 1991. Her works are held in many private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Canada, USA, Germany, France, Spain, Holland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Finland, Israel, Turkey, Japan, and Thailand.
ArtAsters is Asters' CSR project established in 2009 aiming at promotion of the contemporary Ukrainian art and provision of additional opportunities to artists for exhibiting their works in the spectacular and spacious Asters' office for the enjoyment of the firm's employees, clients and guests. Once upon a time… is a joint event of the U.S.-Ukrainian Business Council and Asters.