On 20 December 2018, the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade (ICIT) announced new anti-dumping investigation against imports of bearings from Kazakhstan.
The investigation (first time ever launched against products coming from Kazakhstan) is in response to the complaint of the domestic producer PJSC "Kharkov Bearing Plant", alleging that imported products from Kazakhstan significantly increased during 2015-2017 and were sold in Ukraine at dumped prices, thus causing injury to the domestic industry. The product being probed is roller bearings used in the railway industry and falling within UKT ZED code 8482 50 00 00.
The investigation should be concluded within one year till 20 December 2019 (in special circumstances can be extended until 20 June 2020), but provisional anti-dumping duties may be imposed already starting from mid-February 2019. During this period, the authority will look into industry damages from 2015 until 2017. Where it finds that imports have been dumped in the Ukrainian market, the ICIT may impose definitive anti-dumping duties for the next five years. Interested parties can participate in the investigation only subject to their registration by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the deadline for registration is 21 January, 2019.
More details on the investigation are available in the ICIT’s notice (in Ukrainian only).
Also, today the ICIT announced near expiration of definitive antidumping duties for certain products of iron from China (will expire on 19.09.2019), ammonium nitrate from Russia (will expire on 08.07.2019), and wood fiberboard from Belarus (will expire on 08.07.2019).
For further information please contact Alexey Pustovit, Dmytro Vidsota, Nadiia Dmytrenko, or Gleb Bialyi.