Gambling and Lotteries Regulation Commission is ready to start working in Ukraine

On 13 August 2020, the Law of Ukraine "On State Regulation of Activities on Organizing and Conducting Gambling" (the "Law") entered into force. The Law introduces complex regulation of gambling and provides for, inter alia, for the establishment of the Gambling and Lotteries Regulation Commission (the "Commission").

On 18 November 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine appointed two more members of the Commission in addition to the previously appointed three members of the Commission. Therefore, in accordance with the Law, the Commission is now capable as more than half of its composition has been appointed. This is enough to hold meetings, make decisions and form administrative office of the Commission. Thus, the Commission is ready to start working.

Earlier, Mr. Ivan Rudy has been appointed as the Chairman of the Commission. He has knowledge and experience in the fields of management, international relations and finance. Mr. Ivan Rudy is a veteran of war and the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the Eastern Ukraine, and has also been a member of the National Team of Ukraine at the Invictus Games in the Netherlands.

The Chairman of the Commission expects that gambling market will start functioning on 15 December 2020, but, according to him, everything depends on when the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves relevant licensing conditions.

The draft Licensing Conditions for Conducting Business Activities for Organization and Conduct of Gambling has been released for public discussion at https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/azartni-ihry/proekt-pkmu-1.pdf.

The draft Licensing Conditions for Conducting Business Activities for Issuance and Conduct of Lotteries has been released for public discussion at https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/azartni-ihry/proekt-pkmu-loterei.pdf.

The draft Licensing Conditions for Conducting Business Activities for Provision of Services in Sphere of Organization and Conduct of Gambling has been released for public discussion at https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/azartni-ihry/proekt-pkmu-2.pdf.

The draft Technical Regulations of Gambling Equipment has been released for public discussion at https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/azartni-ihry/proekt-pkmu4.pdf.

Comments and suggestions to the drafts thereof may be sent by interested parties to the Commission at address: 26 Blvd. Lesya Ukrainka, Kyiv, 01133, or in electronic form at info@gc.gov.ua.

For further information, please contact Asters' Partner Vadym Samoilenko and Associate Kateryna Rekiianova.

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